I consider myself a beginner monitor enthusiast, there is still a lot I have to learn. You may wonder "Why choose monitors?" out of the hundreds of types of reptiles available to the pet trade. For one thing I really like the way monitors look and act - they are active, powerful and intelligent. I particularly enjoy watching their social interactions and interesting behaviors. Its amazing how much you can learn just by observing another creature.

Species I Keep
I have a trio of yellow ackies (Varanus acanthurus) also known as Spiny Tailed Monitors. I am hoping to breed them, I have only had one clutch so far and no hatchlings - one egg went full term but never hatched. I'm sure they are patiently waiting for me to get their habitat right and then they'll give me more eggs than I could ever ask for. Go to the Ackie Page.

My newest monitor is a Argus/Sand monitor hybrid (Varanus flavirufus x gouldi). He (or she) is a real trip, only 4 months old and already full of attitude. He has never tried to bite but definitely has more pep than my ackies. Any approach by my causes him to puff up, hiss, and whip his tiny tail. Once he's held he settles down some, but not completely. Go to the Argus/Sand page.

One of the most fascinating aspects of monitor husbandry is breeding. It involves a steep learning curve on the keeper's part. The lizards know exactly what to do, its up to the keeper to provide them with optimal conditions to produce viable young. Go to the Ackie Breeding Page.


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